Friday, May 02, 2008

Another Day at the Zoo!

It seems like I have been posting a bunch of stuff about Ava lately. Things have been coming in spurts, and her spurt happened to be busy lately. :) I got to accompany Ava (actually followed behind the school bus in a van) to the Dallas Zoo for her field trip. We had just gone to the zoo when Grandma and Grandpa were here, but it is quite a different experience to explore the zoo when you are with a few preschool classes. As you can tell from the pics, Ava (just like her sister) prefers to hang out with the boys. Must have some brothers, eh? She and I tagged along with some of the boys and their moms for the day. It was great weather and we got to see lots of animals. One thing about preschoolers walking through a zoo for hours........They get mighty tired, and hungry, and thirsty, and..................:) I threw a bunch of pics on here. I enjoyed the big gorilla. It played "peek-a-boo" with the kids for a good while.

Awana Accomplished!

Daniel was the proud recipient of the Sparky plaque this year. I can't believe he is going on to the "BIG" Awana program (T & T). We are so blessed! The girls received their end of the year awards from Cubbies, as they both finished their second books! Congrats, girls!!!!!!!!

April 24, 2008

Derek was baptized a week ago yesterday. Yes, on a Thursday night! We attend Lake Pointe Church in Rockwall. On Thursday evenings, Derek attends "Shore" which is a night of worship, games, and more fun just for middle school age students. At our church, they have a building just for youth called Pier 4:19. It is a huge building set up with an auditorium, stacked basketball courts, video game centers, ping pong, a cafe, a skate park, sand volleyball, and more. Hundreds of kids show up on their designated nights for this. Twice a year, they have baptism at the "Shore." The church has a baptism room (glassed in) in the main church set up with a baptism "pool" and chairs for family and friends to watch in a more intimate setting. They then project the baptism into the main auditorium, or in this case, in the Pier auditorium for everyone else to witness. Derek chose to be baptized in front of his peers. We were so proud of him. It was great hearing all of his friends cheering and screaming for him when it was his turn (He actually was first). Almost 30 kids were baptized (including one family) that night. I have included some pics, but I have yet to get the video off the video camera to post. I'm not sure what the girls really thought of the whole thing. Aslynn says Derek was "bath-tized."