Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Misc. Pics of October Thus Far.................


We never realized how important is was to have all paperwork redone in the good ole' USA, but after facing some issues of the girls' birth certificates not having our names on them (They are their Chinese birth certificates), we decided to go ahead and go to court to get their U.S. Certificates of Foreign Birth. The girls have loads of documents to pull out all the time, but since they were all drawn up in China, they are so many, especially since some are in Chinese and some are translated documents. They do have U.S. social security numbers and they each have their U.S. citizenship certificates, but the birth certificate would hold them back from being able to get a replacement if lost, cost them college scholarships and grants, and who knows what else. We had to go to court and actually "readopt" them to get this new piece of paper. Too us, we feel like we just helped a few people earn their paycheck, but we are thrilled to finally have this taken care of. Here are some pictures of our day in court. We all raised our right hands, except Ava (who raised her left hand) and swore to tell the truth. They did re swear her in with her right hand! :) Good thing Ava didn't raise her right hand the first time, as the judge asked her if Daniel ever bugged her, and she said, "no." Oops. :)