Monday, December 18, 2006

Merry Christmas!!!!!

Well.........................we waited our piece in line to visit this jolly, old fellow at the Northpark Mall in Dallas. We were surprised our kids even cared to sit with him after such a LONG wait. Ava actually was loving Santa. She is not frightened of him in the picture like it looks. She is actually resting her head on him in love!!!:) And, she is a bit tired, too!

The boys are finishing two more days of school this week before getting a good deal of time off for break. Daniel is having a special time today at school, as the whole first grade is going on a "Polar Express" adventure. He went to school in his pj's, armed with a pillow and a favorite bedtime storybook. He was to wait to enter his classroom until his teacher gave him his ticket, just like the movie! He was very excited!

Both boys brought home EXCELLENT progress reports from school. We were very pleased that making such a move didn't seem to bother them academically. They are both doing so well. We are hoping to hear of 2 openings at the Lake Pointe Preschool after break for the girls. They miss school.

We hope that you all have a wonderful Christmas season with family and friends! Happy and safe travels for those of you going away this year! We hope to teach our children to focus on why we truly celebrate this holiday, amidst all the other fun!

Remembering Christ's birth,

The Wetzels