Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Another one of those "Grandparent Posts!"

I tried putting this on one time before, but Blogger was not liking me that day or something. Trying again. Ava's class put on the play "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom." They sang us a couple songs and recited this beloved children's book. They were so cute! We were so proud of Ava, as the song I am posting was sung at the beginning of the year, and she had a hard time keeping up with it.....It was an alphabet/sounds song. This time around, she is an old pro! :) She did a great job on the songs and reciting the book! Unfortunately, the book gets cut a little short, as mom wasn't prepared when the memory card filled up! Oops!

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Ava learning to read!

Here is Ava showing off her ability to read a beginning reader she just learned today. We are so proud of her. She sure has come a long way. Tough on a 4 year old (now 6) to learn a new language, learn a new alphabet and its sounds, numbers, animal names, colors and all. Most of us got a head start with all that. She has crammed it in quickly and is ready to learn more this fall in kindergarten. On a side note, Daniel is killing me in this video. He was excited for his sister to get the book right on tape and not make any mistakes. His gestures might split your gut! :) Go, Ava!!!!

Friday, April 04, 2008

I know, I know.....

I am going to plead my case here. We have had a whirlwind of events preventing me from keeping this blog up to date. We had grandparents come visit us for Easter weekend. We have had sickness non-stop for the last couple weeks. Strep, to be exact. 3 out of 4 kids have been hit with this so far. Waiting with baited breath for the last child to just get it and get it over with. Momma is running out of steam!!!!!! :) Okay......enough of the pity party.
We had a great long weekend visit with Grandma and Grandpa Rohm. We enjoyed them being here so much. We didn't have a lot of time to do a bunch of stuff this time, but the guys managed another trip to the Bass Pro Shop (How many times does one have to go there and look for hours? And they said women were bad at the mall.) We took one afternoon and enjoyed the beautiful weather at the Dallas Zoo. Unfortunately, everyone decided to enjoy the weather at the Dallas Zoo that day. A bit crowded, but a nice time. We enjoyed the Easter service at church on Sunday and had a yummy meal with all of us, plus Uncle Phil. I believe the kids wore the grandparents out, and they were probably ready to go home and rest up.

Many events coming up, so let's hope I can stay on top of it and get the pictures and all on here faster than I have been.