Thursday, February 24, 2011

Enjoying a visit with Grandma & Grandpa Amstutz!!!

Gotta love the projects!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Aslynn's Gotcha Day!!!!!

February is a busy month at our house. 7 years ago, Paul and I went on our first adoption adventure to China, and we received this beautiful little girl! She was a peanut then, and she is a peanut now! But, even though "peanuts" are small, they bring such blessings. We are so thankful God gave us the desire to expand our family by way of adoption. Happy Gotcha Day, Aslynn!

Monday, February 07, 2011

Ava's Gotcha Day!

Can't believe Ava has been in our family for five years already! Where does time go? As you see, we believe she grows in beauty every year. Of course, we are a bit biased! We love you, Ava!!!!!!!!

Happy Chinese New Year 2011!!!!!!!