Friday, June 11, 2010

Can my baby be 5 years away from being 20?

Happy birthday to Derek. What a fine young man he has become. We are so proud of him! Thanks for taking us out to celebrate, Uncle Phil!!!!!! Can't wait until dad can join us later tonight when his flight gets in!

Our Gymnast!!!!!

Aslynn was the proud recipient of her first trophy! Boy, how her eyes lit up when she saw this!!!! We are so proud of our sweetie!

Saturday, June 05, 2010

Sorry.....Grandparent/Bragging Post!

The kids all did great at the end of the year awards........................Here is what I have gathered in their folders.........
*P.E. Award
*Digital Media Fair Award - 2nd place
*Great Citizenship
*Awesome Handwriting
*Six Flag Ticket for Reading
*Shoe Tying Club
*Outstanding Character
*Computer Club - can log on computer without help


*"A" Honor Roll
*Others Before Self
*Perfect Attendance
*Six Flags Ticket for Reading
*Music Award
*Outstanding Character
*Golden Heart
*Writing that "Pops"
*Science Award
*Husky Award
*Starburst Award

*Commended on ALL TAKS tests
*Six Flags Ticket for Reading
*2nd Place Free Throws on Field Day
*Music Award
*Presidential Academic Achievement Award
*Outstanding Character
*Citizenship Award
*"A" Honor Roll
*Highest Honors for Recorder


*PRE AP English Award
*PRE AP Science Award
*Spanish I Award
*Enrollment in 2 or more PRE AP Classes Award
*Presidential Academic Achievement Award
*"A" Honor Roll
*SAR (Sons of the American Revolution) Award
*UIL Award in U.S. History
*Commended on ALL TAKS Tests
*Perfect Score on EOC (End of Course) Assessment in Algebra I