Saturday, November 07, 2009

Our Annual Hays Husky Run!

We participate each year at the elementary 5k/1m run/walk each November. The kids all ran pretty hard.......Derek won 1st place for youth in the 1 mile, and Daniel won 6th place in the same race. The girls actually trotted the whole way, too! Wow!!!! Much improved for them from last year. The other big surprise came when Aslynn's name was called for a raffle prize. You couldn't imagine my face when I saw her carrying her prize to me! That husky is bigger than she is! I always wondered where people put stuffed animals of those size in their houses. I, of course, I said I would never have one in my house. Why do we say things like that? I just swallowed my foot whole!!!!!! Fun times!


We had a great time celebrating Daniel's 10th birthday! Of course, the theme shouldn't surprise anyone!!!!!!! Thanks to all who helped Daniel have a good day!

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Our aspiring artists did a great job!!!!!

The girls were a part of the "Reflections" program through our school district. Here are their entries. Ava's is the flower picture, and Aslynn's is the rainbow!

Trick or Treat!!!!!

That is Paul and myself sporting our costumes above!!!!!! :)

OKAY......Carving pumpkins is NOT our thing!

My heart can't take all this growing up..................

Derek took a date to the Homecoming Dance at school on Halloween night!!!!!!

Aslynn's Kindergarten Pumpkin Farm Field Trip

Few more football pics.....................