Friday, May 29, 2009

Blog Postings

If you are an orderly person, you may want to scroll down to Ava's field trip post, way down there, as that is the first post and the order of the happenings.

"Songs of America"

Derek had his final choir concert last night. The boys', girls, and mixed choirs all came together to present the "America" concert. It is amazing how many kids were involved. They always put together a good program, and they have mastered the art of not making programs too long! LOVE IT! :) Derek is on the front row, in front of the speaker on the left.

Time out for a little POETRY??????

I didn't think so.......but Daniel's class took a little time to honor poetry. They presented three poems each which they wrote themselves. They also invited parents for breakfast with the class. I don't know what the teacher actually hoped to accomplish with the day, but those kids REALLY loved the food! I never saw kids put away so much. Needless to say, lunch was a bust!


Derek was inducted into National Junior Honor Society. Who knew they had this honor for middle school students now?????

Fun pics from Field Day!

Derek "The Brain"

WARNING........If you have a problem listening to parents brag on their kids and all their academic accomplishments, please skip this post. This one is mostly fro the grandparents who are interested in how well they passed down their smart genes! Derek had his academic award ceremony for seventh grade and came home loaded up with awards! I think he got ten! Here is a list (minus one I think, because I can't remember it): "A" Honor Roll, Presidential Academic Award, Wildcat Honors Award (is in 2 or more Pre AP classes), Perfect Attendance, Boys' Select Choir, Pre AP Science, PreAP Math, Pre AP English, and Texas History (The subject awards are given to the top 2? students in those subjects, I believe). We were all very proud of him!

Ava's Field trip to Harry Myers Park.........

I have fallen so behind. Sorry for the delay in the blog, but life goes on......................Going to throw out lots of pics and blurbs about the different kids and their latest events. Ava finally got to go on her much awaited field trip. The kindergarten spent time at a local park. It would have been a very laid back trip, but it was so stinkin' hot, we ended up leaving a bit early to drive the kids up to the splash park. The teachers just had the kids take off their shoes and go run through the water for about 5 minutes or so, filed them back on the buses, and returned to school! The kids were totally thrilled! They said the smell on the bus when all those shoes came off after being in the hot sun a good part of the day was AWFUL! :)