Sunday, April 26, 2009

Awana Awards!

All three kiddos in Awana finished their books this year. In fact, Ava finished her book and went through the whole review of the book, too (Not bad for learnign English late in life). Wow! How proud we are of these guys, but more importantly, how thankful we are that they will always have these verses in their hearts to help guide them through life.

Projects! Projects! Projects!

Why does it seem teachers pour on the projects at the end of the year? Do they really want to see how much they can squeeze in before June? Do they really want to grade all these? Anyway, Derek, Daniel, and Ava have had plenty to keep them busy these last few weeks. Ava had an insect report on ladybugs. Daniel had to build something out of recycled trash. Derek has had more than I could list, but the latest involved a VERY involved movie poster on a class novel, and he is presently finishing a history paper and power point. Even mom can't wait for summer vacation at this point! Yikes!

Gotta love the ZOO!

Each year, at least one child seems to have a field trip to the zoo. It was Aslynn's turn this year! We got to see a new gem that just arrived at the Dallas Zoo: an Albino Alligator (actually 3). That was Aslynn's favorite, go figure! We had a beautiful day to browse around the different animals. The cutest thing was watching all the sleepy kids filing out of the bus once back at the school. They all fell asleep on the way home! So sweet!

Sunday, April 12, 2009