The three elementary kiddos participated in a fundraiser call the Husky Fun Run at their school this past Saturday. They chose to run the 1 mile, as none of us are really in good enough shape to run the 5K without working up to it. Paul and I "ran" with the kids. Paul and Daniel were up toward the front, while the girls and I started strong, but ended kind of slow!! :) The funny thing is, Paul won the 1 mile run for the adults. Daniel decided to walk part way through, as he was just too tired, probably starting out too fast. :) It was funny to see our dad up getting his picture taken with the winners. Who knew?????? After the run there were games, food, face painting, etc. going on in the parking lot. The kids performed a song called "The Power of One." They really got into the emotion of the song!!!!! So cute! Daniel's 3rd grade teacher is the one getting the pie in the face, as their class raised a big amount of money!