Friday, April 27, 2007

The Texas state flower.......Pretty!

Well Daniel has studied the history of Texas and informed us that the state flower is not the "Yellow Rose" but the Bluebonnet! How pretty this wildflower is coming up in big patches everywhere. One thing we have noticed is all the wildflowers coming up. So beautiful! Had to snap a quick picture.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Happy Good Friday and Easter, Everyone!!!!!!!

Ok................The Wetzels DO know the true meaning of these very important days, but we had to throw in one picture of the kids with Mr. Easter Bunny. We will admit that the younger children especially do like that this holiday does present a bunch of candy and treats, but we are so thankful they know what the true meaning of these days is and what eternal value it gives us! Ava is still learning the story of Christ's death, resurrection, and promise of eternal life in Heaven for those who believe. As you can imagine, she is a bit confused and not so sure she likes the idea of leaving home! It is precious to hear her try to pray and recite the things she has learned about the story through Sunday School, books, family, etc. Aslynn always fills in the gaps for her and tells her anything she has missed.

We were enjoying such lovely warm weather for a time now, but just in time for Easter, we hit a little chill. Not as much chill as those of you in Ohio are experiencing, but nevertheless....a CHILL!! We trust that all is well with our friends and family. Please remember that if you need a place to get away for a vacation, we would love to have you come our way!