A Star is Born!!!!!!!!!!
We sure have had our share of sickness this winter. Daniel and Aslynn particularly have struggled with many viruses. They seem to catch any little thing going around, and there is a bunch of stuff going around. We hope to gain some strength over spring break, so they both can fight away any remaining germs out there! Meanwhile, the rest of us are trying to stay strong, too! Ava has remained fairly healthy through it all. Only got sick once. Derek spent the week of the play at his grandparent's house, as we desperately wanted him to stay healthy for his performances. It worked!!!!!
Ava continues to progress in many ways. She endured babysitters galore this weekend, as there was no way she could have tolerated sitting through the play performances. She did very well considering! She was anxious for Derek to return home from staying at grandma and grandpa's house. She really missed him!
We continue to be thankful for all of you who show interest in our family. Your prayers are felt! If you haven't had a chance to meet Ava yet and you are this direction, please feel free to come by and say hello. We are much more flexible these days!!!!