Thursday, September 06, 2007

Me, too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok. I loaded those pictures all weird, but they're on!!!! Aslynn went to her first day of preschool Pre-K at Lake Pointe Church. She attends 2 days a week from 9-2. She was thrilled to finally get to go today with her backpack and lunch! I did not get the best of pictures, because as soon as we stepped outside this morning to snap her first day of school pics, the lens on the camera fogged all up from the humidity. Thus, the fuzzy outside shot. We waited to get a few at school, but by then, her focus was elsewhere. Please take note of the shoes she picked herself to wear to school. What mom lets her daughter buy pink sparkle shoes for school? Only a mom of 4 kids who decided that choosing battles is a much better choice than HAVING them all the time! :) I did get to pick out some tennis shoes of my choice! I had exactly one and a half hours to myself this morning before going back to pick up Ava at her half day Pre-K. I get that twice a week. That is it! Just enough time for a quick run through Target with no children with the "gimmes."

The other pictures are a few shots of the older kids' new elementary school. Obviously, there is still a bunch of work to complete it and the landscaping is not all in. I took the pictures out my car window (most of them) driving in front of the school to get as much of it in a shot as possible. That is how big it is. And this is school building #11 out of 12 in the district. There are 2 more already voted on to go in after this. The building is incredible inside. Much too nice for an elementary probably. The technology is going to be top of the line. The decor is very maintenance-friendly, but BEAUTIFUL! I'm sure the landscaping will be as nice looking as the inside of the building eventually. They predict that the attendance at this school will grow very quickly, so kids in our neighborhood will be changing schools again in the near future to a school right in the neighborhood here. Rockwall County is the second fastest growing county in the nation. And they think/thought they were a small town! If they only knew!!!!


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