What time is it??...........GAME TIME!
Sorry it took forever for me to post these fun pictures. I am technically challenged. All Derek could take pictures with in the stadium was a disposable camera. I scanned them into the computer, but they were in a tif file, and blogger wants them in jpeg form. I had NO idea how to convert them over, plus, I had to resize them. Technology can be so intimidating!! :) Derek was picked to be a part of a select football team in Rockwall this fall. He has practiced hard in the heat so far, but he would say it is well worth it. On August 9, he and his team, along with the younger Rockwall football teams were given the GREAT opportunity to PLAY on the Dallas Cowboy field during halftime of the Cowboys vs. Colts preseason game! They didn't have time to do much, but they all got to run out on the field amidst a HUGE crowd of screaming fans and show a few plays......Rockwall 3A got in about 4 plays and scored one touchdown. I don't really remember the other team getting anywhere with the ball. What a thrill for all these boys! Their fancy new jerseys were not in yet, so they wore their practice outfits, which are not too shabby themselves! Our whole family got to cheer Derek and the team on! We had lots of fun. During the Cowboy game, Derek and his team got to sit on bleachers right by the field. They were right by the big inflatable Cowboy helmet when the team came running out. Between the fireworks going off, the Cowboy cheerleaders, and the Cowboy team, the boys really got to experience quite a show. They got to be close to many favorite players, even if one of Derek's was on the opposing team....Peyton Manning. This will definitely be a memory that Derek will NEVER forget. When his new uniform comes in, we will have to take a good picture of him all geared up! To follow Derek's team and all, you can log on to: rysafootball.com
He is on 3A (the oldest team). It is a fun website. In the second to the last pic, Derek is the player standing in the middle in the white and black and orange. You can't tell, but he is #7.
AWESOME!! I have two boys at my house that are very envious of Derek!
- Kim (Tim, Ryan and Brookie, too!)
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