Watch out, American Idol!!!!!!
Derek has done it again! He was one of MANY middle school kids from North Texas to audition for a spot in the North Texas All Regional Middle School Honor Choir. We are talking a bunch of kids. His school alone is huge, but only 21 from his middle school auditioned for this. TWO from his middle school received the honor of performing in this choir on Feb. 28. He had to audition two songs (one was in Latin), and he had to sightread a few lines of a tune. Not only do they have to get the right pitches on the sight reading, but they have to sing the right word "do, re, me, fa......" without it being written for them. Very tough! That part was the nerve-wracking part for him. For the concert, he will be singing 6 songs, the two he learned for the audition and 4 more. We are so very proud of his accomplishment. I was just proud of him for trying what I thought was the impossible. I don't think he got his nerve from me! Congrats, Derek!
Good for Derek! What a tough audition!
Congrats to Derek - WOW - I got chills reading that - Im not sure most adults would have put themselves through an audition process like that!!
hurray for derek! that is sooo awesome! glad to see you are keeping the family music alive!
Congratulations to Derek!
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